It's a lifeline, isn't it?


In November last year, Matt was asked by the Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership to lead a session on ‘Homelessness and Digital Exclusion‘, as part of their first conference. It was an opportunity to highlight how those experiencing homelessness can be further disadvantaged by lack of access or skills to fully engage with the digital world.

Matt began by setting the scene, using the words of our homeless neighbours to describe feelings of isolation, fear, disconnection, and how having access to the internet can help improve their personal situation.

“When you are suffering with mental health issues of PTSD your phone can mean everything.”

Simon from Riverside outlined the work being carried out at The Foyer in Rustat Road to deliver Wi-Fi to individual guests’ rooms and provide training. Melody and Leon from Wintercomfort finished the session by detailing the brilliant digital support they provide to those accessing the service.

You can view a recording here. If you are a business, charity or other organisation who would like to support our digital inclusion work, please contact us.