The last twelve months have been challenging and inspiring for our team and amazing network of partners. We have produced Somewhere to call home, detailing how ITAC has developed and grown during 2021-22.
The year saw further progress in our mission to bring the community together, working in partnership with local authorities, established agencies and new organisations, bringing in new resources and new ideas.
We developed two new service offers:
- Support to former rough sleepers housed in the private rented sector, as part of the government funded Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme.
- A new winter offer of 24/7 en-suite accommodation for rough sleepers, replacing the traditional “cold weather and communal floors” model. During the winter 60 rough sleepers were supported and over 40 successfully moved on into next stage accommodation.
We continued to support and bring together groups focused on women’s homelessness, on lived experience, on new modular housing schemes, on community initiatives, on social investment and on those with multiple disadvantages.